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Scene Forge is still in development. Feel free to try it out and provide feedback.

About Scene Forge

Scene Forge is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) that allows users to create, visualise and manipulate 3D objects in a 3D space. The application includes some features, such as:

  • Add 3D hotspots with custom text and links;
  • Export the scene as a JSON file with the possibility of embedding it in other web pages;
  • Export the scene to a series of images to create a 3D animation.

The application is offline capable, which means it does not depends on a request to a backend service to enable any given feature/capability.


The entry page of the Scene Forge application screenshot running as a Progressive Web Application on Mac OS
Entry Page
The model viewer page of the Scene Forge application screenshot running as a Progressive Web Application on Mac OS
Model Viewer